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SIC School Improvement Council

The School Improvement Council (SIC) at Michael C. Riley ECC & Elementary serves in an advisory role to the principal and the school.

SICs are a broad-based body intended to advise the principal and school. Their focus is helping to achieve school improvement. Parents, teachers, students (9th grade or above), and community member representatives serve on SICs, as do the school's principal and other ex-officio members.

South Carolina SIC Logo

State law requires that every K-12 public school in South Carolina convene an SIC. The law states that it is the responsibility of the local school board to ensure SICs are constituted within each district. This includes career, vocational, and technical schools. Public charter schools may convene an SIC but it is not required by law.

SIC duties focus primarily on the school improvement process to:

  • provide input and feedback during the development of the school's five-year renewal (improvement) plan and annual updates 
  • assist in implementation of school improvement programs and activities
  • monitor and report on progress toward improvement goals in the annual SIC Report to the Parents and with the principal in the narrative to the SC School Report Card 
  • provide other assistance as requested by the principal